
Xploration Tech Symposium 2023

January 20, 2023





8:40 AM Welcome and opening remarks Gervais Perron


Session One: Xploration value & Geodatascience – Brought to you by Goldspot

8:45 AM How exploration creates value: A simple one-period framework Michael Samis
9:10 AM Best practices in drill core management & photography Jessica Keast
9:35 AM Can technology fix poor data quality? Sara Sulway
10:00 AM Fingerprinting structures w/integrated multi-discipline datasets, including hyperspectral & televiewer Julia Kramer Bernhard
10:25 AM Morning TEA – Brought to you by Hytech Drilling
10:45 AM Geodatascience: Advances in processing & visualization to shorten the gap between discovery & development Matthew Bodnar

Session Two: Physical rock properties & geophysics – Brought to you by HiSeis

11:10 AM Seisomics: Revealing geological details from 3D seismic volumes using textural signatures & machine learning Andy Dyke
11:35 Petrophysics of porphyry deposits at local & regional scales in British Columbia  Dianne Mitchinson
12:00 PM Cosmic ray muon tomography  Doug Schouten

12:25 PM Lunch Break – Brought to you by CoreSafe

Session Three: Case Studies & Workflows – BROUght to you by Malvern Panalytical

1:45 PM Ore body knowledge: Beyond buzzwords to integrated data streams  Gabriela Brandao and Ayesha Ahmed
2:10 PM Early-stage geotechnical domaining & design using machine learning on exploration core photographs  Andrew LeRiche
2:35 PM Automating mineralization & waste rock identification: Analyzing drill core from the Los Azules (Argentina) porphyry copper deposit using the geoLOGr hyperspectral rock analyzer Michelle Tappert
3:00 PM The role of data integration & collaborative environments in the discovery of new deposits – A nickel discovery case in Brazil Pablo Mejia

3:25 PM Afternoon Tea – Brought to you by Evident Scientific

Session FOUR: advances in geochemistry – brought to you by SGS

3:45 PM Mobile metal ion soil geochemistry the past & present Leah Treloar
4:10 PM In-field parts per billion gold results by pXRF is now a reality. How it works & exploration examples of this proven technology Simon Bolster
4:35 PM Mineralogical & geochemical vectoring techniques in advanced argillic-altered rocks of British Columbia Farhad Bouzari
5:00 PM Creating value from geochemical data in exploration:  Examples of workflows & interpretations Simon Griffiths
5:25 PM Drawing and closing remarks Gervais Perron

5:45 PM #XPLORATIONTECH SUNDOWNER – Malone’s Social Lounge & Taphouse |  608 W Pender St, Vancouver