In the latest IMDEX ioGAS™ 7.3 release, we have incorporated an array of new features to enhance ioGAS interoperability and expand our suite of advanced analytical tools. Three of these features – live link to QGIS, Python connectivity and the new selection tools were highly requested in our recent user survey.
IMDEX ioGAS™ 7.3 new features
ioGAS Link for QGIS Beta
View and refresh ioGAS data and attributes in QGIS in real time.
ioGAS Link for Python Beta
Share ioGAS state information with any program in Python.
Highlight Selection Tools
Dynamic update of selections in plot and data view windows.
Density-Based Spatial Clustering of Applications with Noise (DBSCAN) unsupervised clustering algorithm.
Recurrence Plot
Multivariate drillhole data technique to define lithological boundaries using recurrence plot with weighted quadrant scan.
Axial Plane Estimator
Estimate axial plane orientation from user-defined fold limbs.