
AMC Drilling Optimisation

December 20, 2018

Taking Geoscience to the Point of Drilling – Mines and Money, London 2018

In November 2018, Dave Lawie, IMDEX’s Chief Geoscientist delivered a presentation on the topic of Taking Geoscience to the Point of Drilling at Mines and Money, London.  Below is an abridged version for those who missed it. Taking Geoscience to the Point of Drilling from IMDEX Limited
November 28, 2018

Xploration Technology Symposium – Presented by IMDEX & CSA Global

November 15, 2018

Sorting the Signal from the Noise – Conferencia Evolution Chile Explore 2018

En octubre de 2018, Dave Lawie, geocientífico jefe y tecnólogo en jefe de IMDEX – Mining Solutions, realizó una presentación sobre el tema Sorting the Signal from the Noise at Conferencia Evolution Chile Explore 2018.
September 10, 2018

IMDEX lanza nueva solución de geoanálisis in-situ y soluciona el desafío histórico de la industria

August 17, 2018

AIG/ADIA One-day Seminar

July 16, 2018

Environmental packaging – Thinking outside the box

Standing out among dusty drill sites and on the back of trucks, AMC’s bright green containers with a yellow lid have made them an icon of the global drilling industry. Throughout the years our packaging has changed to withstand the harsh elements on drill sites, long journeys to our global client base and focus on reducing impact on the environment, while keeping our products as fresh as the day they were manufactured.
July 10, 2018

Drill Rig and Safety Innovation Forum

July 2, 2018

The paper-free way to better manage safety

Having a robust and easy-to-use safety reporting procedure in mining and exploration operations is essential to developing a resilient safety culture. Correct and detailed reporting will obtain important information about health and safety issues in the workplace, identify problems when they arise and prevent future occurrences. Traditionally, it has been tough to make procedures work without placing a burden on personnel, whether it be the training or just the day-to-day operations.
June 13, 2018

AMC BOS™ doubles metres drilled per day in Chile

AMC Borehole Optimisation System™ (AMC BOS™) successfully controlled fault zones and changing formations at a gold exploration project in Chile. This innovative system was able to have a positive effect on productivity and reduce the consumption of mud and water by effectively managing and preventing lost circulation, high torque and borehole instability.