IMDEX is pleased to announce the launch of its industry first end-to-end STRUCTURAL-IQ solution. The solution provides significant benefits to clients including real-time, secure access to verified structural data directly from the field.
AMC BOS FIX™ is a patent pending rapid fill grout, part of our new proactive solution for fluid loss and borehole instability – the AMC BOS™ (Borehole Optimisation System).
Introducing IMDEXHUB-IQ™, IMDEX’s complete software-as-service solution, now with even more integration and functionality. IMDEXHUB-IQ™ is now fully integrated to collect, store and reporting data from AMC’s newest innovation, the AMC MUD AID™.
Down the borehole, you can’t always predict when or how things will go wrong. AMC’s new, patent pending Borehole Optimisation System (AMC BOS™) anticipates fluid loss, lost circulation and unstable zones.
Collaboration between two leading mining software providers, MICROMINE and IMDEX, has brought together detailed geoscience analytics with sophisticated 3D modelling and mine design software to enhance the geological modelling workflow. MICROMINE worked with its industry peer for several months to integrate output from IMDEX’s ioGAS solution into the next major release of its 3D modelling and mine design software – Micromine 2020 – which will be launched later this year. The collaboration means geoscientists will be able to directly import ioGAS (.gas) files into Micromine 2020 software to map and model geological domains. Micromine Product Strategy Manager Mark Gabbitus said […]
The IMDEX Downhole Navigation solution provides your complete downhole needs, from surveying the hole and project creation of drilling programs, to fast and accurate rig alignment through to monitoring the directional progress of the individual borehole with specified directional drilling software.