
Case Study

December 6, 2013

AMC SRU™ delivers $20,700 savings to operation in Western Australia

AMC SRU™ reduced the client’s operational costs and environmental impact on site in the Sandy Desert, East Pilbara Western Australia.
July 18, 2014

AMC SRU™ saves 147,000L of water in 20 days in Chile

A Chilean AMC SRU™ trial also demonstrated a significant reduction in water and mud consumption, together with other operating costs, when utilising the AMC SRU™ unit. The AMC SRU™ addressed the key challenges experienced at this site, where water access was limited and expensive.
October 21, 2015

REFLEX EZ-GAMMA™ successfully logs to new and extreme depths at KCGM Super Pit in Kalgoorlie

REFLEX has been the first to do a number of things, the most recent of which being the successful deployment of a memory based, driller operable gamma logging device down what is acknowledged as the deepest diamond drill hole ever drilled in Australia at 3011.5m.
March 17, 2016

REFLEX IQ-LOGGER™ success at multiple sites

The REFLEX IQ-LOGGER™ is the latest in core logging technology. The device is defining new processes of structural logging and revolutionising the data collection and interpretation practises of past.
April 21, 2016

AMC’s SRU™ limits spill risks in protected area in Canada

AMC’s SRU™ was implemented to assist operations and reduce costs on site at a uranium drilling project, located in Canada’s Patterson Lake South.
September 12, 2016

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ reduced total drilling costs by 34% in Western Australia

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ successfully negated the need for traditional PVC casing at an underground mine in the Goldfields region of Western Australia.
January 31, 2017

AMC BORE HOLE STABILISER™ improved blast hole utilisation by 30%.

AMC’s BORE HOLE STABILISER™ performed exceptionally well compared to the existing program and resulted in an increased hole utilisation rate of 30% and produced significantly more holes per hour.
May 19, 2017

CSIRO Case Study: Imdex Group – REFLEX

Published: CSIRO Mining Equipment, Technology and Services booklet, May 2017 Imdex Ltd is an ASX listed mining technology provider to the global minerals industry, headquartered in Perth, Western Australia. The company has operation in all key mining and exploration regions throughout Asia Pacific, Africa, Europe and the Americas. Imdex develops solutions to improve the process of identifying and extracting what is below the earth’s surface for drilling contractors and resource companies. Imdex aims to be a market leader in real-time subsurface intelligence solutions, through its AMC and REFLEX brands.
May 29, 2017

AMC BOS™ recovers an abandoned hole and boosts productivity in Arizona, USA

AMC BOS™ was a success at the Resolution Mine, saving a borehole that had been abandoned, reducing the costs and improving the productivity of the hole.