
Videos & Webinars

November 9, 2019

DRILL HAX – What is real-time data in exploration?

What is “REAL-TIME” data in exploration? Why have “REAL-TIME” decision making while drilling? IMDEX in-house expert Michelle Carey provided the answer to one of the most asked questions by the industry.
November 22, 2019

IMDEX Downhole Navigation Solution

The IMDEX Downhole Navigation solution provides your complete downhole needs, from surveying the hole and project creation of drilling programs, to fast and accurate rig alignment through to monitoring the directional progress of the individual borehole with specified directional drilling software.
December 8, 2019

DRILL HAX – What is True North?

True North, Magnetic North, Grid North… do you know the difference between them? Are you choosing the correct tool? Hear from IMDEX in-house experts Michelle Carey, Vince Sullivan and Nick Payne, explaining these critical calculations. Vic
January 1, 2020

DRILL HAX – What are the biggest issues with using Drilling Fluids?

What are the biggest issues with using Drilling Fluids? IMDEX in-house Mud expert Scott Sholer provides insights to one of the most asked questions by the industry.
January 1, 2020

DRILL HAX – What is the biggest misconception about Drilling Fluids?

What are the biggest misconceptions about Drilling Fluids? IMDEX in-house Mud expert Scott Sholer provides insights to one of the most asked questions by the industry.
January 2, 2020

DRILLHAX – What are the primary functions of a drilling fluid?

IMDEX in-house Mud expert Scott Sholer provides insights to some FAQs in the drilling industry. What are the primary functions of a drilling fluid?
January 16, 2020

ioGAS™ 7.2 – New Features

ioGAS™ 7.2 enhances our existing suite of quality advanced analytics with two new machine learning tools: CART and t-SNE. This release also contains increased simple regression functionality, the ability to display user-created mineral and rock nodes plus direct access to the new IMDEX Customer Service portal.
January 16, 2020

IMDEX XTRACTA™ – Overview Video

Pulling rods is one of the most laborious, time-consuming and risky parts of diamond drilling, for operational and safety reasons. IMDEX XTRACTA™ allows the driller to inspect and/or change the bit/reamer each time the core is retrieved. This means there is no need to pull the rods to change bits and the hole is always cased, maintaining hole integrity.
January 16, 2020

New Drilling Optimisation Technologies – IMDEX COREVIBE™ & IMDEX XTRACTA™

Additional costs caused by higher operational standards, environmental restrictions and increased hole depths will only get worse. IMDEX new technologies create a paradigm shift in Drilling Optimisation.